Monday, August 31, 2009

Disney and Marvel

Marvel has been in the midst of a creative renaissance for about a decade, peering into the creepy and adult corners of their universe (see the MAX line, for example) and simultaneous reaching out to entertain the kids with fun, appropriate fare that introduces their characters and concepts. At the same time, we've had beautifully executed PG-13 movies for mature folks and TV cartoons aimed at the kids.

Now, Disney takes over. I have seen a a lot of recent Disney programming and none of it is fun, unless you dig bland. Their best movies are from Pixar or Miyazaki - nothing home gown.

Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko and the rest created a world where nuance was allowed, emotions could be tough and triumph was often the result of effort and sacrifice. Remember when Donald Duck was fun and unpredictable? The Disney world can't even handle that much edge anymore.

I hope Disney leaves Marvel alone and just counts their money. Trust the creators - honor Stan, Jack and Steve.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hero Video Productions demo

Not sure what I'll do...

I thought it might be fun to have a place to expound a bit. I may use this for updates on projects I'm working on - we'll see. Might be good to link to once I update the Hero Video Productions website. Thanks for taking a look.